
hello hello! hello!

I'm Nic. Nicole. Nicoleta. A spacious verb.
It depends on the day.
I'm resistant to definitive statements of self definition. I revel in contradiction. I have a lifelong fascination with the power of paradox and the counterintuitive relationship between acceptance and change. I'm nuerodivergent. And eccentric. I'm a coach, social innovation artist, and wellness designer. I'm a dog mom. I'm passionate about empowering people with the awareness, skills, and confidence to self-liberate from inflexible narratives, brittle binaries, and outmoded social conditioning. Reflecting my diverse education and eclectic career path, my style of humaning is experiential, experimental and constantly evolving. I take a collaborative, transdisciplinary approach to my work, weaving together elements of DBT, design thinking, performing arts, linguistics, somatic embodiment, meditation/mindfulness practices, and emerging technologies. ...and I'd much rather learn about you than fill up a page full of puff about me. I can't remember names to save my life, but names are static. I'm interested in what's alive. What's alive in you? Get in touch.
Creative Futures Lab