Centering Practice

Centering Practice

A practice to reconnect with the centeredness of your center.

Okay, hello, hello. Just got the whole thing up and running here all right. So I'm gonna do a little bit of a short centering practice today. It's a great way to ground, calibrate, and create or return to that feeling of home.

And so start by just thinking about what does it mean to you to feel centered? When you think of the word 'centered' - coming to the center, centering, what images come to mind? Think about the center of your body: Where do you locate your center? Your answer doesn't need to be literal. Just notice what's alive in you.

And if it makes sense for you take a seat and notice your posture.

It isn't about being in any particular form. But notice, if we're sitting on something that's hard Can you feel your sit bones? Can you feel if your center of gravity is pitching you forward or back to one side or to the other?

And if you're pitched forward for example, does that at all reflect the way you behave?
Are you you always kind of jumping into the future? Thinking ahead, rushing to the next thing? It's not a bad thing. If you're kind of leaning back do you have a tendency to hold back? Or to feel nostalgic for the past?

If you notice you're at one extreme or the other just see how it feels to go to the other extreme. If you notice that you're well centered, play with the edges of the circle - go to the left. Back to the right. Go forward. Just sense in to your space - let yourself take up space.

And just feel where you're supported by the chair. Notice where your feet are supported by the floor, where your body is making contact.. Does this all the time? Oops. Where? What that is? It's weird. Just heard my voice.

So when you fall off center like we just did - like I just did, it's a perfect opportunity to come back. Because the idea of centering practice is not to be rigid. it's not to claim this perfect static posture, and stay there like a statue. it's it's actually to invite in fluidity, receptivity, gentleness

I don't know that I have much more to say on that right now. So thanks for that.

Creative Futures Lab