Lighthearted Heartache

Lighthearted Heartache

Enter the paradox.

why am I wearing a clown nose?

because I
am someone-
and maybe you can relate to this -
I can take myself very seriously.

I can get really really uptight about
my life.

whether I'm doing it right
whether everything's gonna be okay.

I can get very uptight about my problems.
about my emotions.

I can get
worked up.

I have intense emotions.
I feel things intensely.

And this is a reminder to me as much as it is to you,
that this human thing,
it really it doesn't have to be such a big deal.

we can talk about hard things
we can go delve into
the nature of suffering
and we can do it
with a little bit of humor.

at least that's my hope.

we'll see how long this lasts.
it's a little hard to breathe.
...but you know
All For the Love of humaning

we'll start out just by looking at
what are the obstacles,
what are the expectations to having a really wonderful life?

So we have to start with what is a Wonderful Life?

and of course that is very subjective.
it's different for me than it is for you
than it is for your parents
than it is for, you know,
Generations past and generations future.

what is the barometer that we use to assess a good life?

we could say
but is it just about being happy?

I'm going to offer up the notion of a

life worth living and that could be an

ongoing conversation that we have but

that really is a life worth living

whether or not we believe our life is

worth living that creates

a good life


ask yourself right now

what makes my life worth living

is it your relationships is it your work

is it
what are the experiences?
what are the ways of being?
is it reading?

what what makes your life rich?
and how much of your time are you giving to
those things that make your life worth living?

this of course will vary for all of us
and it varies from day to day but
if we are chronically
or chronically
things within us that
give life meaning
we will be chronically unhappy
I think that's a pretty easy place to

again this is just
a jumping off place and
an offering to start thinking about you
know what
kind of life
would make
the ordinary course of human suffering
worth it.

is it
feeling like you're making a difference
in the world is it feeling like
you're being really successful we all
have different different
for what makes life worth living and a
good place to start in terms of really
assessing and articulating those
standards is a conversation about values
you know what do you value we typically
core values
and you know
differ on whether or not these values
are static over time or or whether they
they can change I believe everything is
flexible and can change but I think that
there are a few that will be pretty
and it's really clear what you value
or it gets pretty it can get really
if you're unsure off the bat what you
value when you think about times when
you've been really unhappy
like what
what was missing
particularly think of when you were
maybe less
proud of yourself
or when you had all of the
the things all of this stuff all of the
outward expressions of happiness or
success or whatever but inwardly you
maybe empty
what was missing what would have changed
it and that can be a first clue
to what you really value
is it
is it a sense of connection
can you have a million friends and feel
empty because you really need to feel
truly connected
to someone is it
are you someone that really really
power and the sense that you know
what you say do and want
can we actualize or will be actualized
in the world around you
is it art and creativity and a sense of
you know
making things a sense of transforming
something from
one thing into another or from nothing
into something
to start thinking about it it's a
curiosity imagination is it maybe your
is it
physical fitness
Health well-being
is it family
there are no right or wrong answers but
see if you can come up with five
and that
is it for today

Creative Futures Lab