How To Human

How To Human

An offering....that started as a sound test.

Hello hello. Here we are.
Welcome to 'This is a test'.

Ding Dong.
I don't know if that worked.
Well, we'll find out.

This is a test. This is a test.

Let's just try one more time.

Is that bell ringing?
I think so.

It's hard for me to hear.

Alright so we're doing a quick little test here.

How to Human!?

Why on earth would we listen to me?
Well, we're talking to a very messy human here about 'how to human'.

I'm going to do 70 episodes with you.

And who am I talking to?
I'm really talking to those of you who are looking are looking for permission.

To those of you who for whatever reason, have bought into some belief that you are just not...not enough, to be living the life you want to live, the way you want to live it.

I'm a little sick got a little residual COVID crap going on, so you'll tolerate me.

Really the whole point of this is for me to share with you some of what I've learned, some of what I've refused to learn, some of what I am still doing my best to learn...

...and that we have a bit of a conversation.

Whether it's passive, or active, or interactive.

And that that you take what you see and what you hear from me not as a prescription, but as an invitation.
To listen inward.
To sense outward.
And to feel less alone.

So let's see if this works...

Creative Futures Lab